Personnel, Administration and Legislation (PAL) Committee
The Personnel, Administration and Legislation (PAL) Committee reviews federal, State and local legislation and other legislative and administrative matters referred by County departments, including Board offices, for support or opposition; reviews and signs all letters of support or opposition for legislative matters; reviews and recommends approval of the legislative platform and County priorities; advances all recommendations to the full Board of Supervisors for final approval; receives regular updates from State and federal legislative advocates on emerging legislative matters affecting local government; and provides direction to advocates on advancing the County’s legislative agenda.
The legislative advocates coordinate all legislative activities to ensure that all activity is consistent with policy directives, assess for potential internal conflict, and communicate matters to the County Administrator.
The PAL committee meets every Monday at 1:30 PM in the Board of Supervisors’ conference room located at 1221 Oak Street, 5th Floor, Oakland. Supervisor Keith Carson, District 5, serves as the PAL Committee Chair.
PAL Calendar
To view the PAL committee meeting schedule and agendas, visit the Board of Supervisors Committee Meetings page and select “Personnel / Administration / Legislation Meeting” in the search form.